The construction of Mecsek Discovery Center is progressing well

Mecsek Discovery Center, an important element of the eco-touristic center of Mecsekerdő in Árpádtető, is going to be open soon. At the center, visitors can get acquainted with the natural and cultural values ​​of the Mecsek region within an impressive installation. Mecsek Discovery Center is a part of the international ecotourism project ‘EAGLE’, which is implemented in Croatian-Hungarian cooperation with the support of the European Union.

Construction on the building will be completed in July. The technical approval of the mechanical and electrical utilities is currently underway. At the same time, the last phase of work has just begun – the buildings of the old forest school were being demolished. They will be replaced by a car park for the convenient public access.

At the same time, our colleagues are working hard on the elements of the content. Some installations have already arrived for the exhibition. Thus, the diorama of wetlands, the stylized wood models, the highstand and the badger sett will be in place soon. IT hardware has also arrived. They are expected to be installed by August-September 2022.

Final touches are being made in the elaboration of the content of the exhibition. An important element of the exhibition is a digital ‘gastro-experience terminal’ showcasing the usecases of forest fruits and vegetables – videos for this purpose are currently being filmed.

MDC will also present a digital table terrain with the characteristics and sights of Mecsek and Pécs area, for which a three-dimensional terrain model will be made. Overall, the content of the exhibition will be finalized by mid-September.

The mobile app under development is coming soon. This will guide visitors not only through the exhibition itself, but also on the nearly 5-kilometer-long forest study trail – called ‘Mókus’ aka ‘Squirrel’ – in the vicinity of Árpádtető. A large number of forest wanderers will come here in the summer, thus they are expected to use the application.

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