About the cooperation
Municipality of Pitomača
The Lead Beneficiary (LB) of the project is the Municipality of Pitomača. The Municipality has a vibrant collection of natural beauty and protected environmental sites, most notably the Mura-Drava Regional Park, which is part of Mura-Drava-Dunav UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and the Natura 2000 network. Križnica, which is a significant landscape, protected in its own right under Croatia’s nature protection laws, forms one of the most significant geo-pedological features of the Mura-Drava park, as well as being a vital habitat of endangered species. Other less protected but equally beautiful natural sites include various forest.
Mecsekerdő Zrt.
The Company is the largest forest manager in Baranya County, with its 55 thousand hectares of the operational area, which makes half of the total forested territories of the county. The area managed by the Company is extremely rich in natural values, 75% of all their forests are under nature protection. Also, two forest reserves can be found in the Company’s territory. Coming from this, the protection of the natural values is taken as a priority in all activities of the Forestry Company, and it also sees attitude shaping as important.
Besides forest management, Mecsekerdő Inc. is one of the largest subjects in game management in Baranya County, responsible for approximately 33,000 hectares of hunting areas.
Another important activity of the Company is tourism, in the framework of which guest- and apartment houses, youth accommodations and tourist houses are available for forest hikers and guests seeking a forest environment. One facility that the Company is deservedly proud of is the 6 kilometer-long narrow-gauge forest train, unique in Hungary, the “Zselic Csühögő”. Furthermore, the company operates the first theme park in Hungary built in a forest environment: Mecsextrém Park in Pécs-Árpádtető, a fun park that offers all-day recreation for visitors.
Pitomača Municipality Tourist Board
The Pitomača Municipality Tourist Board, Beneficiary 2 (B2), was established in 1994 for the specific purpose of promoting tourist activities in the Municipality. As a key partner in the project the Board has specific competences for organizing tourist events and a vast experience in tourist promotion and destination management of the Municipality.